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General Troubleshooting guide

Kubectl / helm commands fail​

If you receive an error as shown below when trying to invoke kubectl or helm commands, it is most likely caused by the KUBECONFIG variable not being set.

WARN[0000] Unable to read /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml, please start server with --write-kubeconfig-mode to modify kube config permissions
error: error loading config file "/etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml": open /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml: permission denied

The installation script attempts to create $HOME/.kube/config and sets this in the $HOME/.bashrc

You may need to log out and log back in, to create a new shell terminal session which will contain the correct KUBECONFIG variable, or run source ~/.bashrc to reload you shell config, or manually set it with export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/config

NOTE: It is not advisable to run kubectl and helm commands as root (or sudo kubectl ... or sudo helm ....

The user-provided configs are sufficient for interacting with the k3s cluster and its resources.

Make sure that you $KUBECONFIG is set to a file that is accessible by your system user with the correct permissions.

You can view the functions responsible for setting kubeconfig here

Debug Bundle​

If you need further debugging, please retrieve the container logs, and some base info and provide it to the chronicle team for assistance:


Make sure that you set FEED_NAME to match your feed in question, and run these commands from the correct user so that $HOME/$FEED_NAME/generated-values.yaml resolves to the correct file.

cd /tmp
kubectl logs deployment/ghost -n $FEED_NAME > ghost.log
kubectl logs deployment.apps/ghost-tor-daemon -n $FEED_NAME > tor-proxy.log
kubectl get pods,deployment,service,secrets,onion --all-namespaces > kbom.txt
helm list --all-namespaces > all-helm-releases.log
tar czf chronicle-debug.tar.gz ghost.log tor-proxy.log all-helm-releases.log kbom.txt $HOME/$FEED_NAME/generated-values.yaml

The above commands will get logs for each of the pods running, the state of the services, as well as the generated-values.yaml for your feed, and bundle it into a tarball chronicle-debug.tar.gz (Please change the values / paths accordingly)